The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

5 Facts About Opiates You Need To Know

5 Facts about Opiates that You Need to Know-The Dunes East HamptonWhen used properly, opiates can be effective for a number of people. This class of drugs however, is very powerful and must be treated with knowledge and caution due to the potential for abuse. It’s important to take the time to learn the facts about opiates before you develop a problem that requires addiction treatment programs.

5 Facts About Opiates

  1. Opiates are a class of drugs used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Using them for this purpose is not a newer remedy; their ability to provide relief has been has been known for centuries.
  1. Opiates are derived from the opium poppy, but are still manufactured and are not “natural”.
  1. Opiates include morphine and codeine, as well as Vicodin, Dilaudid, Fentanyl and Percocet, Methadone and Demerol. Heroin is also an opiate, but the ingredients are not regulated nor does it hold any medical value.
  1. When opiates are used over a long period of time or in higher doses than recommended, the risk of becoming addicted is high. These drugs can pass from the bloodstream into the brain very quickly.
  1. This class of drugs works by acting on receptors in a user’s brain. Unfortunately, the first high is very difficult to replicate. The brain’s reward center changes with time so that larger doses are needed to produce a similar good feeling again. This causes tolerance, cravings, withdrawals and addiction.

What To Do If You Think You Have an Opiates Addiction

Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Program In New York

If you think you are addicted to opiates, you need to seek help at a professional prescription drug addiction treatment facility. The Dunes East Hampton offers a private and relaxing environment for individuals seeking prescription drug addiction treatment in New York. We help our clients understand the underlying causes of their addiction and each individual we work with receives an individualized treatment plan, created just for them.

The Dunes East Hampton offers both an inpatient and an intensive outpatient program in NY, as well as continuing aftercare for those who need it.

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