The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

3 Facts About Alcohol Addiction You Need To Know

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction Rehab

Alcohol is a common addictive substance, most likely because it’s legal (as long as a person is the age of majority in the particular state), readily available, and socially acceptable to use. We have a number of euphemisms for alcohol addiction that we tend to use, since many of us shy away from using this expression. It’s a way of distancing us from the issue, since we would rather not think about ourselves as people who might start on the slippery slope toward a substance abuse problem.

As with any topic, knowledge is power. The more you know about alcohol addiction, the better you will understand it. Many people can drink in moderation and never develop a substance abuse problem. For others, alcohol addiction is a very real issue that leads to serious consequences, as these facts will point out.

Facts About Alcohol Addiction You Need To Know

  1. “Excessive alcohol use” causes approximately 88,000 deaths in the United States each year according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)
  1. U.S. residents use alcohol more than any other addictive substance; one in every 12 adults or 17.6 million adults lives with an alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence issue (NCADD).
  1. On average, six people die of alcohol poisoning every day in the US (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Over three-quarters (76 percent) of alcohol poisoning deaths are among adults between the ages of 35 and 65; the majority of victims are men.

Very heavy drinking has the potential to shut down the areas that control heart rate, breathing and body temperature. If emergency medical attention is not sought promptly, the affected person may die.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

If you have concerns about your own or a loved one’s drinking habits and want assistance in finding help for alcohol addiction, we are ready to help. Our treatment programs offer individualized treatment to each one of our clients that includes one-on-one and group therapy sessions.

Our programs also use holistic treatment therapies to help clients get in touch with their emotions and spirit. We understand that there is more to addiction than just the physical aspect. We also encourage clients to participate in recreational activities as part of a healthy lifestyle that they can continue after they are finished with their alcohol addiction treatment.

To Learn More About Our Alcohol Addiction Program, Give Us A Call Today!

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