The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

4 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse

4 Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse - The Dunes East Hampton

Alcohol abuse is not exactly the same condition as alcoholism, according to experts. It’s a distinct disorder that is also called alcohol dependence. People in this category have the ability to control the amount they are drinking to a certain extent, but their level of alcohol use is still high enough to be self-destructive and pose a danger to themselves and those around them if they are driving. You should know the symptoms of alcohol abuse because a person with this condition is at risk for developing full-blown alcoholism, and requires treatment now, sooner than later.

4 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Alcohol Abuse To Be Aware Of:

This pattern of drinking is harmful to a person’s health, as well as his or her relationships with family members, friends and co-workers. Alcohol abuse also affects a person’s ability to get and maintain a job. If alcohol abuse develops into addiction, the person will need alcohol addiction treatment to help them through recovery. Other common symptoms of alcohol abuse include:

1. Using Alcohol As A Way To Deal With Stress

Many serious issues with alcohol start with a person turning to drinking as a way to unwind after a difficult day or to deal with a stressful situation. The tolerance-building effect of alcohol means that a person starts to need more of it over time to achieve the same effect. Getting drunk to deal with the aftereffects of a stressful day or automatically reaching for the bottle after having an argument with someone are red flags that alcohol abuse is starting.

2. Neglecting Responsibilities Because Of Drinking

“Neglecting responsibilities” can include poor performance at work or school, leaving work or school early or being late or skipping work or school entirely because of being hung over. Some people neglect their children or miss social commitments for this reason as well.

3. Drinking In Dangerous Situations

Using alcohol in situations which may be physically dangerous is another warning sign of alcohol abuse. Drinking and driving, mixing alcohol with over-the-counter or prescription medication and getting into regrettable and risky sexual situations are all examples of drinking in dangerous situations and are signs of a problem with alcohol abuse.

4. Legal Issues Caused By Drinking

Getting arrested for charges related to alcohol use is another sign of substance abuse related to alcohol. Charges may include being drunk in a public place, assault, driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, domestic disputes, etc. If this happens, you’ll need legal services to help get you back on the right track. 

Get Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Dunes East Hampton is a luxury alcohol abuse rehab facility that offers help and healing from a holistic point of view. All of our clients receive a personalized treatment plan that addresses their individual needs and recovery goals so that they can move forward into recovery and life-long sobriety.

Take That First Step And Call Us Now – We Will Walk With You Every Step Of The Way

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