The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

5 Tips To Manage Stress While Maintaining Sobriety

Women Stressed-5 Tips To Manage Stress During Sobriety | The Dunes East HamptonBefore you started your recovery, you probably realized that staying sober would be the biggest challenge. Even though you want to be free from drugs and alcohol, the reality is that it’s hard to cope without them in early treatment. In order to be successful, you must replace negative thinking and harmful patterns of behavior with positive thinking and healthy choices. These tips to manage stress may be the support you need to maintain this mindset. 

Effectively managing your stress levels is one of the best ways to keep your recovery moving in the right direction. Stress can be hard on anyone, but it can be even more difficult for those who are used to escaping via drugs and alcohol. Taking a holistic approach that addresses your mind, body, and spirit is a powerful and healthy way to address stress. 

Tips To Manage Stress While Maintaining Sobriety

Here are five helpful ways to practice stress management while maintaining your sobriety.

1. Connect With The Right People

It’s probably been awhile since you connected with people, but now is the time to form healthy relationships. You need support and empowerment from family, friends and members in your 12-step groups. These people will help keep you grounded and positive. Be sure to talk out your feelings, as bottled-up emotions will only lead to more stress and frustration.

2. Don’t Try To Control What You Cannot

Many things in life are beyond our control. Sure, that can be a scary feeling, but it’s part of being human. By trying to control things that you cannot, you’re only going to feed into negative thinking.

Instead, focus on the things that are within your control, such as how you handle a particular problem or react to something in your life. If someone lets you down, don’t stress about their actions. Choose to accept their choices and spend time with more positive people.

3. Manage Your Time Wisely

If you’re rushing around, forgetting important dates or feeling overwhelmed, you’re probably not managing your time well. Get in the habit of using a calendar app or paper calendar that helps you track important dates, meeting times, birthdays, etc.

Also keep a strict schedule. It’s OK to have some free time by yourself, but it should be in small doses. Right now, you need a lot of structure and time that is accounted for.

4. Care For Your Physical Health

Tips for managing stress aren’t just mental. Your recovery will be much less stressful if you take care of your physical health. By exercising, eating healthy and getting enough rest, you’re giving your body the strength it needs to succeed in recovery. Taking care of your physical body also helps prevent illness and fatigue, which can be stress inducers.

5. Practice Forgiveness In Yourself And Others

An important part of recovery is forgiveness. If you allow your past mistakes to hang over your head, you won’t be able to move forward in your recovery. Forgive yourself and look at this as a fresh start. Once you are able to forgive yourself, you can forgive others. Letting go is a wonderful way to release stress.

These tips to manage stress are only the beginning. Are you ready to start your journey to sobriety? Call The Dunes East Hampton and discover how enjoyable and freeing recovery can be! The Dunes offers holistic treatment for substance addiction, including yoga, spiritual counseling, and equine therapy

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