The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

6 Tips To Stay Sober During Summer Fun

6 Tips To Stay Sober During Summer | Alternative Addiction Treatment

Summer is here, and for many the season brings time away from school, work, and volunteer commitments. The warm weather and holidays go hand-in-hand with relaxing vacations, carefree outings and poolside BBQs. However, for those in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, each tradition can be a relapse in disguise. In this entry we will offer up a few tips to help you stay sober during summer fun.

1. Plan Ahead For Sobriety When It Comes To Parties

Social situations offer an abundance of booze and time away from normal routine. If you are recovering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs, you may want to avoid meeting friends for drinks or attending parties centered around alcohol. This is especially important to those who have recently completed our intensive outpatient program, as the temptation may prove more than you can handle.

2. Take An Active Role In Your Recovery

Locate support groups at vacation destinations. Enlist the support of friends, family, and your spouse. Make sure to keep any current appointments at The Dunes East Hampton.

3. Exit Plan To Remain On The Road To Sobriety

Whether you are at a neighborhood backyard barbeque or on vacation, it’s important to devise an exit strategy. Avoid individuals who pressure you to use drugs or drink. Be prepared to leave or inform them as to why you are not drinking. DO NOT give in to the “just one drink” mentality. Your stability and continued sobriety is much more important than a “good time” splurge.

4. Bring Backup To Keep You Accountable To Your Recovery Plan

Many patients are away from our support network and routines during the summer time, making it more difficult to maintain stability. If you are interested in attending a party or outing but feel you may be tempted, bring someone trustworthy along to keep you accountable. Having someone at your back can be a great encouragement when turning down a drink.

5. Relax To Avoid Stress

Avoid stressing yourself out. Summer activities can be physically draining. If you are tired, you may find your defenses weakened. Make a point to get plenty of rest prior to embarking on any summer activity where you might be tempted to use. This holistic approach can save you some heartache in the long-run. 

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Turn Down Social Outings to Stay Sober During Summer

As with any season, trying to stay sober during summer months means being honest with yourself. Keep yourself in check, and do not be afraid to turn down a social opportunity if you feel uncomfortable. Recovery takes sacrifice, and is worth every moment.

Check out our other great Sober Summer Vacation Tips And Ideas!

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