Suffering From A Mental Illness And An Addiction-TheDunes

What Do I Do If My Loved One Is Suffering From A Mental Illness And An Addiction?

It’s not uncommon for people who are living with a mental illness to also need treatment for an addiction. They need to seek co-occurring disorders treatment to properly treat both concerns concurrently. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, mental illness increases the likelihood that a person will turn to addictive substances in comparison…

Psychological And Physical Addiction Evaluation-The Dunes

Why We Perform A Psychological And Physical Addiction Evaluation

The Dunes East Hampton’s comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment strategy starts with a comprehensive assessment. This psychological and physical addiction evaluation is used to get a clear indication of each client’s physical, emotional and spiritual state when entering treatment. What We Gather During Our Psychological And Physical Addiction Evaluation This detailed assessment is used to…
