The Differences Between Outpatient And Intensive Inpatient Rehab

The Differences Between Outpatient And Intensive Inpatient Rehab

Rehabilitation programs are designed to address particular issues, including addiction, drug abuse and eating disorders. In order to ensure a successful outcome, it’s important to understand the different options and services available. In this entry we will discuss the differences between intensive outpatient and intensive inpatient rehab options. Intensive Inpatient Rehab At The Dunes East…

Why Outpatient Holistic Addiction Programs Work

Why Outpatient Holistic Addiction Programs Work

Even when alcoholics come to term with a drinking problem, many are unable to obtain proper treatment without compromising financial responsibilities, family relationships and career. Holistic outpatient programs serve as an effective, flexible, and affordable option. Discover the many benefits associated with a holistic outpatient recovery. At The Dunes East Hampton outpatient program, our holistic…

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

The consumption of alcohol is known to increase the risk of infection, disease and mortality. Women and children stand a much higher risk, though the dangers impact everyone. In light of Alcohol Awareness Month, we hope you learn to understand the need for alcohol addiction treatment and awareness.  One alcoholic beverage equates to 12 ouches…