The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

What Can You Expect From Inpatient Rehabilitation?

Inpatient rehabilitation for addiction provides group and individual therapies to aid in substance abuse recovery. With the education and personal awareness that is conveyed through the inpatient model, there is a much higher rate of success when compared to alternative options.

Residential Recovery Program Evaluation

The first step in any residential recovery program is a patient evaluation. This evaluation provides addiction treatment specialists with the opportunity to assess the extent of a patient’s physical addiction while identifying any physical or mental health issues that should be addressed during the patient’s stay. Once completed, counselors can use the information gathered to create a customized treatment plan.

Residential Addiction Treatment Program Detox

Before inpatient rehabilitation treatment can begin, residential treatment program patients must complete the detoxification process. Detox generally lasts between 3 – 7 days alongside constant medical supervision. Certain detox processes, such as that experienced with alcoholism, can pose serious risks. As such, detoxification often takes place in a designated clinic that specializes in that specific purpose. Detox removes all traces of alcohol or drugs from the body to ensure a clean and sober entry into rehab.

 Holistic Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Programs

Patients attending holistic inpatient rehabilitation treatment programs are kept on a daily therapeutic schedule. Each individual works through a customized addiction therapy plan to address issues that triggered the abuse. Additional holistic treatment may include:

The initial recovery is always toughest, which is why longer inpatient recovery programs tend to report higher success rates. The intensive daily therapy provided to patients can be extremely valuable, in addition to the sense of community and interaction with other recovering addicts throughout the stay. Learning how to interact in social situations without the aid of alcohol or drugs is often one of the most difficult aspects for many to overcome. Residential programs organize daily group activities and designated mealtimes to ensure that patients are provided the opportunity to relearn the art of interaction and social skills in a community setting.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a crucial aspect of the residential recovery process. These sessions work to address and heal the damage caused to relationships prior to rehabilitation. In family therapy, loved ones communicate their feelings, while discussing how the addiction has impacted their lives. Participants also discuss how to support one another throughout the recovery process. Because addiction is a family disease, professionals recommend that loved ones join outside support groups to better understand and cope with the addiction head-on.

 Need Help To Recover?

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, The Dunes is the place to turn. Pick up the phone today and let our team of addiction specialists help you back on track towards the healthy, happy lifestyle you deserve. 

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