The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Does My Colleague Have A Drug Or Alcohol Problem?

Does My Colleague Have A Drug Or Alcohol Problem-The Dunes East HamptonNo one wants to think that a colleague may have a drug or alcohol problem, but many people who are living with addictions to drugs or alcohol are employed. People don’t start using and immediately become out of control addicts. The path to addiction is a slippery slope that, in many instances, takes time for a person to slide down.

Many with a drug or alcohol problem are relatively high functioning and go to great lengths to keep their issue a secret from their associates. Others are not as careful at covering their tracks or don’t realize that they are giving off clues with their behavior on the job by displaying certain signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse or drug use while at work.

Signs Of a Drug or Alcohol Problem In A Coworker

The following are signs and symptoms that an associate might be struggling with a drug or alcohol problem.

Being Late And Frequent Absences

One sign that a co-worker may be struggling with a drug or alcohol problem is when he or she starts having trouble getting to work on time. It can be difficult to keep up with work responsibilities and an addiction. There may be times when a colleague is too hung over to get to work on time or to even make it to work at all. He or she may be recovering from having being under the influence and is unable to come in to work.

Having Others Call In For Missing Work

A spouse, partner, or other family member may call in to say that a colleague will be absent from work. Many times when a person is too high, drunk, hung over or sick, someone in the family enables the addict by failing to have them experience the full consequences of their actions and will call in for them.

More Frequent And Longer Breaks

Someone with a substance abuse problem may disappear from the office or shop floor more often than other employees or may take longer breaks than allowed in order to drink or get high.

Making Obvious Mistakes

Having to manage an addiction and/or being drunk or high at work can often lead to difficultly paying attention to conversations and following instructions. It also greatly increases the chances of mistakes and dangerous accidents at work.

Smell Of Alcohol/Marijuana On Breath Or Clothes

If you frequently smell alcohol or marijuana on your associate’s breath or on their clothes it can be a sign that they have a substance abuse problem.

How To Help A Colleague With A Substance Abuse Issue

If you suspect or know that a colleague is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse and it’s affecting their job, it can be a good idea to talk with their supervisor and let them know your concern. You want the best for your co-worker and an impaired employee on the job can also be a danger to themselves and others.

The Dunes East Hampton is a licensed and highly respected substance abuse treatment facility and luxury rehab center in New York. We offer individualized addiction  treatment programs to our clients that are proven to achieve results.

Contact Us Now To Find Out How We Can Help You Or Your Loved One Recover!

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