The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

The Dunes’ Dr. Nicholas Kardaras: The Media’s Go-To Addiction Expert


the-dunes-east-hampton-blog-image-dr-nicholas-kardaras-10-19-16The Dunes East Hampton’s very own executive director, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, is no stranger to being asked to give insight into addiction in all its forms. In fact, he’s become the nation’s go-to addiction expert, having been featured in various authoritative online, television and print publications.

Below is a roundup of four separate high-profile appearances by and mentions of Dr. Kardaras, where he either directly shared his insight or had his work praised by others within a public forum.

CBS News: Talking Pain Pill Addiction

In 2013, “CBS Evening News” profiled a real estate executive who had developed a dependence on prescription pain pills. As the go-to addiction expert, Dr. Kardaras was enlisted to give perspective on the larger issue. He was featured in both the television and online versions of the news report.

Among other memorable quotes, The Dunes executive director said, “Is there a rise in pain, or a rise to our intolerance of pain?” He also added that he doesn’t believe that Americans are experiencing 3 times more pain than they did 20 years ago, in reference to the commensurate increase in prescriptions written for painkillers since that time.

Full CBS Story

Fox News Feature: Teenage Internet Addiction

In September 2014, go-to addiction expert Dr. Kardaras wrote a full-featured article for on the topic of teenage internet addiction. Correspondingly, Dr. Kardaras also analyzed the addictive nature of video game and social media use.

Dr. Kardaras said that tech addiction can lead to:

He also wrote that new technological mediums not only penetrate a person’s brain, but his or her psyche as well – to the point of dreaming of virtual imagery. He also points to research that links excessive tech use in kids to ADHD.

Read Dr. Kardaras’s complete article by clicking on the button immediately below.

Full Fox News Story

HLN: Talking ‘Digital Heroin’

The themes in Dr. Kardaras’s article on Fox News formed the foundation of his latest book, Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids – And How to Break the Trance, which was released in August.

Later that month, Dr. Kardaras appeared on HLN’s “Michaela” program to explain the devastating effects that tech addiction, referred to by some as “digital heroin,” can have on kids.

“Excessive screen usage impacts a child both neurologically and clinically in the same way that a drug does,” he said in the 7-plus-minute interview.

He also cautioned parents against letting their children use interactive devices, such as iPads and smartphones, before the age of 10. And if schools encourage such usage, Dr. Kardaras recommended signing an opt-out letter and handing it to your child’s school. If parents need additional assistance, he advises they look into family resources.

To hear more of Dr. Kardaras’s enlightening take on this widespread problem, watch his full HLN interview below.

The Go-To Addiction Expert: Praise For Dr. Kardaras From Comedian And Others

Further acclaim for Dr. Kardaras’s latest book came from comedian Paula Poundstone during a performance in front of a packed house in Sag Harbor, New York’s Bay Street Theater. Poundstone, a longtime advocate of reducing screen time for kids, hailed Glow Kids and encouraged the parents in the audience to follow its advice and “unplug” their kids.

Poundstone Praises Glow Kids

This recognition comes amid a slew of other articles and media mentions for the new book. Only a little over a month following Glow Kids‘ publication, it is clear that Dr. Kardaras’s book is gaining a lot of attention and has already become an important resource in the discussion of screen and technology addiction.

More On Dr. Kardaras

To learn more about our executive director, click on the button immediately below.

Dr. Kardaras’s Bio

Stay tuned to see more of Dr. Kardaras and The Dunes in the press.

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