Courtesy of: foxnews.com
Teenage prescription drug abuse has continued to escalate over the past decade. Conducted by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, The 2005 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study revealed “nearly one in five (4.5 million) admits to abusing medications not prescribed to him or her.” In order to combat the issue, parents must educate themselves as to the signs associated with addiction and abuse.

Courtesy of: foxnews.com
For “teens I’ve treated, the catalyst is innocently popping a pain pill that gets passed around at a Friday night part as freely as a joint or a beer,” says Dr. Nicholas Kardaras. “But the problem with pain pills is that if you take them consistently enough over a long enough period of time (sometimes as little as several days), you WILL develop a physical dependency to those pills.”
The rise in teenage prescription medication abuse appears to be linked to an increase in adult pill use. With the ease of access and social acceptability of prescription medication, many teens view these drugs as harmless – an easy high.
8 Prescription Abuse Warning Signs To Look For As A Concerned Parent:
- Change in sleep habits
- Change in energy levels
- Change in personal hygiene
- Change in mood/ personality
- Sudden change in grades
- Change in friends
- Loss of appetite
- Constructed eye pupils
Tips To Keep Teens Drug-Free
- Busy teens are sober teens. Make an effort to immerse your teen in positive activities, such as sports, academics, and extra-curricular activities.
- Get to know their crowd. Keeping tabs on who your teen associates with promotes a support system between teens and parents alike!
- Communicate! Maintain a dialog with teens and teachers to ensure a positive relationship on all sides. Though everyone is entitled to privacy, it’s important that parents involve themselves in their child’s lives. The more open the relationship, the more trusting your teen will be should issues or questions arise.
Concerned That Your Teen Is Abusing Prescription Drugs?
If you suspect a family member of prescription drug abuse, The Dunes East Hampton is the place to call. Pick up the phone today and let our team of addiction counselors help your teen back on track toward the healthy, happy lifestyle they deserve.
Call Us Now If You You Or Someone You Love Is Abusing Prescription Drugs!