The Dunes very own Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is featured on regarding teenage binge drinking.
Binge drinking and teens go together like PB&J, right? In fact, many adults view the activity as a natural rite of passage in league with obtaining a driver’s license or losing one’s virginity.
Some place blame on laws that raised the legal drinking age, leading to excessive use (binge drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks in a 2 hour period) in our youth. Simply put, many believe a lack in accessibility contributes to excessive use in early adulthood.

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“What we do know is that raising the legal drinking age saved lives,” Dr. Kardaras told “When the National Drinking Age Act of 1984 went into effect and states were compelled to eventually raise their minimum drinking age to 21 – or face federal funding cuts – an estimated 1,000 lives per year were saved in decreased highway fatalities – that’s almost 30,000 lives saved by a change in federal legislation.”
Some argue that raising the drinking age has only driven teenage drinking underground – via house parties, basement keggers, and frat fests…
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