The word “addict” often conjures images of poor hygiene, syringes, and broken homes. In reality, the addiction issue is far more complex. As a compulsive tendency and obsession to engage in behaviors or ingest substances, the defining lines between good and bad; black and white begin to fade.
Everyone has that friend who is “addicted” to the gym or their morning Starbucks. Perhaps you’ve fallen into the debilitating pit of chocolate “addiction” following a recent Ben & Jerry’s binge.
But does excessive exercise or coffee intake really make you an “addict”? Is that the definition of addiction? Or, of that matter, does having a couple drinks each night define you as an alcoholic?
Our Very Own Dr. Kardaras Weighs In On Signs Of Addiction:

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“The first major sign (and a diagnostic clinical criterion) is whether or not the behavior or the use of the substance is having a negative effect on your life,” The Dunes East Hampton’s Executive Director, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras tells Fox News. “So if you’re asking yourself ‘am I an addict?’ you need to honestly also ask yourself if your job, relationship or any other aspects of your personal or professional life are suffering because of the behavior in question.”
Deception may also signify a bigger issue. Are you hiding or lying about your drinking habits?
The progression from “want” to “need” is yet another tell-tale sign of addiction. Participating in the problem behavior or use of the substance in question no longer feels voluntary but, rather, has evolved into a mandatory action.
Help For Addiction
If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or a problem behavior, The Dunes East Hampton is the place to turn.
Pick up the phone today and let our team of addiction specialists lead you on the path to long-term sobriety!