The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

How To Create A Sober Support System For Lifelong Sobriety

As humans, we have a basic need to make connections and interact with each other. For people in recovery, who have moved on from their previous group of friends, establishing a group of positive people who can become a sober support system is an important part of achieving their goal of lifelong sobriety.

A social network can provide encouragement and emotional support and a safe place to vent when things are frustrating or even seem hopeless. Higher levels of support mean a higher quality of life, and a greater chance of not falling into relapse.

How To Put A Sober Support System In Place

1. Ask For Help

Asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness by some people, but it is never wrong or a mistake to get help or support. Everyone struggles at times, and the road to lifelong sobriety is one that can only be taken one day at a time.

A support system can include any or all of the following:

2. Choose Support System Members Carefully

When looking for people who can be part of your support system, consider their personal lifestyle to make sure that they do not have a substance abuse problem themselves. You do not want to associate with people who may be a negative influence on your recovery.

If your sober support system member is in recovery, consider how long he or she has been leading a clean and sober lifestyle. You’ll want to be around someone who has been “walking the walk” longer than you have so that you can lean on them for direction when you run into difficulty.

3. Continue With Your Follow-up Care

Since staying sober is something you will need to manage for the rest of your life, you need to make sure you have a plan that includes follow-up care after you complete your initial drug or alcohol treatment. This may include attending 12 step program meetings and/or seeing a counselor, depending on your needs and where you are in your recovery.

Do not try to manage your recovery on your own. When you get to the point where you think you can do it yourself, it opens the door to the slippery slope where people start to fall back into drug and alcohol use again.

The Dunes East Hampton offers individualized treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Call us now to learn about our expert care and how we have achieved long-term success with our clients.

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