features a discussion by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, The Dunes’ very own Executive Director.
Your spouse has been acting a little strange lately. Mood swings, arguments and a growing distance between the two of you has you worried. He’s also lost his appetite and appears lethargic upon arrival home from work. Is it an affair?
The short answer is no. However, your husband may very well be engaged in a relationship with prescription pain pill addiction.
How Does Prescription Drug Addiction Innocently Start?
A growing number of unsuspecting men and women are falling head over heels into a downward spiral of addiction. For some, the troubles may have begun following surgery; having received a prescription to address pain and discomfort during the healing process. For others, anxiety medications such as Valium or Xanax or sleep medications like Ambien serve as a gateway on the road to full blown addiction.
The problem with these medications is that if someone uses them in greater dosages than prescribed, and/or over an extended period of time, they will eventually develop a dependency.
Our Very Own Executive Director, Dr. Kardaras Shares:

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“Unfortunately, I’ve seen this process many times before,” Dr. Nicholas Kardaras tells “I’ve seen addiction increasing in epidemic proportions, oftentimes with successful, educated people…who dance with opiates a little too long and then get hooked.”
Just because someone is prescribed a drug, does not mean it is “safe”. Many patients get hooked due to simple ignorance – uninformed of potential dangers by their prescribing physicians. Others simply prefer the relief, ease, and discretion of prescription drugs when compared to a two-martini lunch.
This, combined with an aggressive pharmaceutical industry presence has resulted in widespread abuse. And once addicted, many feel trapped – using more and more to avoid the shame in admitting to an issue while gaining an ever-escalating tolerance.
See The Full List Of Signs That Your Husband May Be Addicted To Prescription Drugs
Struggling With Prescription Drug Addiction?
If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to prescription drugs – Call us now! We are here to help! Don’t wait until it’s too late – You and your loved ones are worth it!
Learn The Steps To Fight Prescription Drug Addiction! You Can Help Show Someone The Path To Freedom From Addiction!