Relief from pain can never come quickly enough. Having a backup plan in place can help alleviate discomfort when traditional pain relievers are not an option, especially for those struggling to overcome a dependency to prescription medication, drugs, or alcohol. Learn how to utilize proper breathing exercises, meditation and other pill-free alternatives to achieve the desired results.
Breathing Techniques To Help Relieve Pain
Attempt a few deep breaths the next time you begin to notice discomfort. Studies have proven the value and pain-relief benefits of deep breathing. Begin lying down or sitting with your back straight and place your hands on your stomach. Breathe deeply and slowly, focusing on the expansion of your abdomen as you inhale. 10-20 breaths should do the trick. “Breathing naturally quickens when you’re in pain,” Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, Executive Director of The Dunes East Hampton recently told “Slow, deep breathing works because it oxygenates your blood, which releases endorphins. In turn, this decreases the release of stress hormones in your body.”
Meditation For Pain Relief

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Meditating quietly is another proven pain relief method. Understanding how to focus attention on each moment can actually help manage anxiety and stress. Sit yourself in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and spine straight. Position the palms of your hands upward in your lap. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing – inhale, exhale. Imagine your anxiety and pain melting away with the conclusion of each breath. “When pain occurs, the body automatically responds with adrenaline to combat the pain,” Dr. Kardaras says. “You can used meditation to relax and decrease adrenaline, which helps the body relieve these responses and untimely alleviate pain.”
Read The Full List Of 12 Unique Pain Remedies
To start your path to a pain-free life and to find out the full 12 unique pill-free pain remedies, read the full MSN Healthy Living – 12 Weird Pain Remedies Article.
Need Help?
If you or someone you love is struggling with pain or anxiety management, The Dunes East Hampton is the place to turn. Pick up the phone and let our team of rehab specialists help lead you to freedom from pain!
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