Oscar de la Hoya, who has battled drug and alcohol addiction in the past, and is busy promoting a bout between Floyd Mayweather and Canelo Alvarez, has announced that he will not be attending the match. Instead, he has voluntarily checked himself into a drug rehab facility.
Mr. de la Hoya issued a statement saying that Canelo Alvarez has a big fight coming up in the ring and that his own big fight is in treatment. This is an excellent way to view the fight to get (and stay) clean and sober. Both endeavors will require focus and a lot of stamina, and there will be challenges along the way.
Inpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Courtesy of: www.impactony.com
A client can seek help from a luxury drug rehabilitation center that has a variety of programs to help him or her. New clients entering the facility will receive a complete physical, be evaluated by a psychiatrist, and have a consultation with a spiritual counselor. This part of the process gives the staff a clear picture of what the client’s immediate needs are and allows them to develop an individualized treatment plan.
Since each person coming to a holistic drug rehab program is unique, simply offering one approach and expecting all clients to fit into this mold will not help them achieve the long-term sobriety they seek. The road to recovery is a long one, and clients need to learn how to recognize the pitfalls along the way.
Treatment will include a number of elements, such as:
- Developing strategies for dealing with triggers that may tempt a client to use drugs or alcohol
- Strategies for establishing and maintaining sober relationships
- Learning how to manage anger and frustration in a mature manner now that substances are no longer in the picture
- Learning life skills for goal setting, stress management, etc.
- Finding ways to live well that do not include using drugs and alcohol
Treating The Whole Person For Addiction
A holistic approach to treatment for addiction offers sustenance for each client’s mind, body, and soul. The mind element is taken care of through therapy sessions, which may be conducted individually or in a group. Many people who are in the throes of substance abuse neglect their physical health, and learning to appreciate nutrition and the taste and texture of wholesome foods is an important part of the program. A healthy diet can benefit the person who is in recovery.
Connecting with one’s spirituality through yoga, meditation, or going for nature walks can be very beneficial as part of recovery from addiction. These strategies can help clients practice mindfulness, which means being in the moment. This idea ties in very well with the idea of taking their recovery one day at a time as they walk its lengthy road.