The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Why Outpatient Holistic Addiction Programs Work

Even when alcoholics come to term with a drinking problem, many are unable to obtain proper treatment without compromising financial responsibilities, family relationships and career. Holistic outpatient programs serve as an effective, flexible, and affordable option. Discover the many benefits associated with a holistic outpatient recovery.

At The Dunes East Hampton outpatient program, our holistic alcohol addiction rehab offers highly structured services designed to promote skills needed to maintain long-term abstinence. Outpatient rehabilitation allows patients to seek treatment for addiction while continuing to pursue a day-to-day lifestyle; family and career.

Holistic Treatment Procedures

Counseling plays a large role in our recovery process. Psychiatric treatment is made available for patients struggling with an array of addictions and mental illnesses. Additional services and treatments offered at The Dunes East Hampton include:

And much more! Our goal is bringing your mind, body and spirit together for a full,  healthy you!

Understanding Holistic Addiction Treatment

At first glance, it may be difficult to understand the correlation between exercise, meditation and addiction recovery. In reality, the holistic platform seeks to treat the individual as a whole, rather than just the addiction symptoms. By placing focus on positive actions and behaviors alongside addiction counseling and proper medication, patients are able to realize the true potential in recovery.

Medication Makes You Comfortable

Anti-craving medication is highly beneficial for those struggling with alcohol addiction issues. These prescriptions, combined with professional therapy and personal drive, have been proven effective in promoting healthy habits outside of the rehabilitation setting.

Relapse Prevention

All patients are strongly encouraged to maintain total abstinence following completion of our outpatient program. Unfortunately, many feel the need to test the waters. Over time, the majority of skeptics ultimately return to old ways and habits pre-treatment.

 Are You Ready?

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, The Dunes East Hampton is the place to turn. Pick up the phone today and let our team of recovery specialists help you towards the healthy, happy lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

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