The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

How To Replace Addiction With A New Passion Of Cooking

Part of recovery from addiction is restoring your physical health. If you have neglected your diet during the time when you were actively using, you certainly were not alone. This is something that a number of people living with addiction tend to do, since their drug of choice tends to become their major focus.

Once you go through detox and your body is free from the influence of chemicals, one of the priorities is learning healthy eating in recovery. At The Dunes East Hampton, we understand the importance of a healthy diet for our clients and make it a priority.

Learn To Love Food (Again) During Recovery

Part of eating better in recovery means consuming a variety of foods. Our chef prepares a variety of menu selections designed to help you learn to love the tastes and textures of food. Truly, nothing compares to an exquisite meal that is properly prepared and attractively served.

As you dine on selections such as local fresh tuna, scallops, lobster and striped bass, roast chicken and steak, we hope you take the time to appreciate their aromas and textures as well as their taste. The Dunes East Hampton also serves fresh eggs from local providers, and several of our vegetables are also provided by local farmers.

Turn Your Love Of Food Into A Passion For Cooking

Once you start eating (and feeling) better with our recovery health cuisine, you may be encouraged to start learning how to create delicious masterpieces yourself. If you have never cooked before, start with simple, nutritious meals. As you gain experience, you can start expanding your repertoire to include more ambitious and complex dishes.

With the variety of types of cooking to choose from, you will never be at a loss to find something new to discover. Cooking is a wonderful hobby to share with friends and family, and it will also give your self-esteem a boost to see those you care for enjoying the food you have lovingly prepared.

Luxury Treatment Facility

Would you like to find out more about our recovery programs and how we can help you or a loved one successfully recover from addiction? Call our luxury treatment facility today! Our caring and professional staff is waiting for your call.

Learn More About Our Recovery Health Cuisine And Nutrition

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