The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Super Bowl States Demonstrating Shifting Attitude Towards Drugs

The Seahawks and Broncos are meeting in this year’s Super Bowl, which has been the subject of several jokes on the Internet of because Washington and Colorado are the first two states to legalize marijuana. It is a concrete example of how attitudes toward marijuana are starting to change.

Making marijuana legal keeps people who use it out of jail and turns to focus toward regulating use so that the drugs are used safely. There are both positive and negative consequences for legalizing marijuana. A benefit for the state would be additional tax revenue and a a boost for the local economy.

Federal Government Experimenting With MDMA

This shift in attitude about marijuana is opening the door to acceptance to using drugs for other purposes. The federal government has granted permission to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies to conduct research on the effects of MDMA on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) patients. The results of the research to date have been positive and could lead to the drug being used as an FDA-approved prescription medicine. Cannabis is currently used as a legal medically-issued drug to assist patients living with certain medical conditions, and MDMA could be used in a similarly controlled manner.

Drug Addiction As A Public Health Issue

In order for this type of change in attitude to occur, drug addiction must be seen as a public health concern, as opposed to a criminal matter. People living with drug addiction need proper treatment. Simply putting them in a jail cell without addressing their addiction appropriately does nothing to deal with the issue, but instead, continues the circle of addiction and jail.

A much better approach is to get to the root of the problem by encouraging addicts to seek treatment. The Dunes East Hampton is an intensive outpatient rehab (IOP) facility that takes a holistic approach to treatment. No two clients who need addiction treatment are the same, and the staff offers customized treatment programs designed to meet each person’s individual needs and goals.

Holistic Treatment For Long-Term Recovery

The holistic approach to treatment focuses on healing a client’s mind, body, and soul. Clients can learn yoga and meditation techniques to manage stress and lower the risk of succumbing to triggers that may tempt them to start using drugs or alcohol again. Relaxing massages also help to reduce stress levels and help clients cope with stresses in their lives in a positive way that does not involve substance abuse.

Spiritual counseling is offered to clients who are interested in this option. Regular exercise is encouraged as a way to improve one’s physical health, and eco-walks give clients the opportunity to literally take positive steps into their recovery.

Breaking free from the bonds of addiction is a challenge, but with the right support it can be conquered. Decriminalizing addiction and encouraging those who need services get the help they need, can be a step in the right direction. The Dunes is a place where clients can get that help.

Call us today at 877-818-5539 to begin your path of recovery and freedom!

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