The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

The Causes, Symptoms and Cure for the Nation’s Opioid Epidemic

Causes Symptoms Cure For US Opioid Epidemic - The Dunes East HamptonLawmakers have increased funding to fight the opioid epidemic sweeping the nation. One expert says it’s not enough.

In a recent New York Daily News article, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras wrote that the war on drugs will be unsuccessful until we treat the economic, cultural and social factors that make people susceptible to addiction.

According to Dr. Kardaras, Executive Director of The Dunes East Hampton, we must find and address the problems that lead to opioid addiction before we can curb the epidemic that is crippling the U.S.

In his featured article, The Dunes executive offers his expert take on what will end the opioid epidemic. He cites groundbreaking studies on addiction and explains how one country is successfully reducing opioid addiction rates.

Dr. Kardaras Lays Out the Roadmap for Winning the War on Opioid Addiction

Fixing the Opioid Epidemic | The Daily News

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