The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Treating Process Addictions At A Luxury Rehab Center

Process Addiction Treatment - Luxury Rehab Center - DunesEastHampton

For those who struggle with process addictions, “leisure” activities can become destructive; proving detrimental to the addict’s lifestyle, personal health, and overall quality of life.

What Is A Process Addiction?

A process addiction is any compulsive behavior that includes an action that, on its own, is not physically addictive; such as eating or internet usage. The lack of a physical addiction distinguishes this condition from a substance abuse addiction, however, they can still prove quite harmful and should be treated professionally.

The number of process addiction is vast, and can include any activity that has become destructive and overpowering in an individual’s life. Many process addictions are recognized psychological and medical conditions within the mental health community, and should be treated as such. Unfortunately, many people – while having a basic understanding of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse – have yet to truly appreciate the seriousness of these conditions.

Examples Of Process Addictions

Process Addiction Treatment At A Luxury Rehab Center

Process addictions often occur alongside substance abuse issues, as they are generally triggered by the same emotions and impulses. Many clients at our luxury rehab center suffer from co-existing drug, alcohol, and process addictions. In order to ensure a long-lasting and successful abstinence, our addiction specialists offer personalized, comprehensive recovery strategies. Here, substance abuse and process addictions are addressed simultaneously in a beautiful and luxurious setting, using a two-pronged approach, similar to the dual diagnosis method used with addicts who also struggle with mental illness.

Treatment for process addiction may include psychotherapy, group therapy, and individual therapy. At The Dunes East Hampton, our professional and discreet recovery specialists offer clients the tools and knowledge needed to address their addictions while working toward a healthy and happy tomorrow.

Call us now to find out more about our treatment for process addictions, substance abuse and mental health issues.

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