Wouldn’t it be nice if a bell sounded every time a person was at risk for an alcohol addiction? Unfortunately, by the time a person realizes that help is needed, they usually have a long road ahead of them.
Alcohol addiction is usually a bit slower to recognize than addictions to other substances because alcohol is legal and socially acceptable. This blurs the lines of what is normal and what is not.
Many of us have known the big drinker-type in high school or college who turned out to be just fine in adulthood. Many of us have friends or coworkers who tend to drink too much when they go out. But does that mean they have problems with alcohol?
Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism: What’s The Difference?
In short, alcohol abuse refers to drinking too much, too often. It’s a pattern of drinking that eventually leads to consequences such as failing to fulfill responsibilities. Someone who is abusing alcohol, but not yet dependent can generally quit if they choose.
Alcohol dependency and alcoholism is the inability to quit. In can include an increase in tolerance, withdrawal symptoms and not being able to stop drinking, despite its consequences.
Each person is unique, and that means that each addiction is too. In other words, there is no cookie-cutter addict. Anyone can become dependent on alcohol at any time.
Why Early Intervention Is Ideal
In fact, going to rehab early in the abuse or addiction is ideal. Success rates are better for individuals when they seek treatment for alcohol abuse before it becomes a full-blown addiction. This is the case as the disease hasn’t progressed as long. And early-addiction treatment makes it easier to recover from the disease and learn effective ways to cope with triggers, cravings and stress.
What Are Some Of The Signs That Alcohol Rehab Is Needed?
Knowing that help early on is ideal, what are some of the signs that may indicate that a person needs rehab?
- Loss of control over the drinking. The person may say they can stop if they want to, but the reality is that they can’t.
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms. If the person stops drinking, they experience withdrawal symptoms that may be physical, psychological or both.
- Problems from the alcohol use. Once alcohol starts causing problems in someone’s life, it IS a problem. Watch for difficulties in relationships, at work or with finances. Or, the person may have had run-ins with the law, such as a DUI.
- Alcohol is a focus. The person makes alcohol a priority in their life. They plan events around alcohol and concentrate on when they can have their next drink.
Luxury Alcohol Addiction Treatment In The Hamptons
The Dunes East Hampton treats addiction in all its stages. If you are concerned about a loved one and are interested in luxury alcohol addiction treatment in the Hamptons, with all the high-end amenities, call us today for an assessment. The sooner you can get your loved one treatment, the faster they can be on their journey to freedom and recovery.