The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Why We Perform A Psychological And Physical Addiction Evaluation

The Dunes East Hampton’s comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment strategy starts with a comprehensive assessment. This psychological and physical addiction evaluation is used to get a clear indication of each client’s physical, emotional and spiritual state when entering treatment.

What We Gather During Our Psychological And Physical Addiction Evaluation

This detailed assessment is used to gather information about a client’s history of drug and alcohol use, previous attempts at other rehab facilities (if any) as well as medical history and family relationships (since this information can provide valuable clues to aid our treatment professionals in recognizing hereditary factors which may have contributed to the addiction, as well as a client’s patterns of behavior). Both pieces of information are very important parts of addiction recovery planning.

Screening For Co-Existing Disorders

We also make sure to screen each client for co-existing disorders. Clients who are dealing with a mental health concern as well as an addiction will need a treatment plan that addresses both issues.

A client whose mental illness is being treated appropriately is more likely to be successful in a recovery program. We also want to make sure that drug or alcohol use is not “covering up” a mental health issue because a client has been using to self-medicate.

Individual Treatment Plans

Since each one of our treatment plans is developed with the individual’s needs in mind, it’s important to perform a detailed evaluation as part of the intake process. That way, the treatment program can be developed to focus on each client’s needs and goals for recovery.

As part of this process, clients learn to adopt a new lifestyle where they can learn to change their behavior. We want each individual to learn how to enjoy life without the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Since we allow our clients to have some input into how their program is structured, we can include aspects that are important to them specifically including spiritual counseling, equine therapy, holistic therapies and much more.

To find out more about our psychological and physical addiction evaluation or our customized treatment programs, call us now!

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