The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

7 Tips To Stay Sober During Holidays

The holiday season, with its focus on parties and get-togethers, can make it especially challenging for people who are working hard to stay sober. Spending time at these events can trigger memories of celebrations involving drinking or using, and may act as a trigger for an addict in recovery to think about doing the same. Many people in recovery may struggle to stay sober during holidays because they don’t want to miss out on the fun. 

Sobriety is a daily commitment for those in recovery. It’s possible to enjoy time with family and friends without indulging in alcohol. Stay on track with these helpful tips for staying sober during the holidays.


Tips To Stay Sober During Holidays

1. Make Plans For Every Day During The Season

Unscheduled down time can lead to boredom or temptation to drink. Instead, fill your calendar with activities and plans to be with people who will support your goal of staying sober.

2. Find A 12-Step Meeting Near You

Even if you will be away from home during the holidays, you can still attend meetings where you can continue to have the fellowship of others who are in recovery and focusing on sobriety. Look online for a group or check the newspaper once you arrive at your destination to find one.

3. Find Time To Exercise

Even though it’s a busy time of year, keep up with your regular exercise program or start working out. You’ll feel better and have more energy, especially with all the rich food that is being offered as part of the celebrations. This holistic approach can keep your spirits and energy up during the holiday season. 

4. Avoid Going Back To Visit Places Where You Used To Hang Out

It can only lead to cravings to start drinking again. Why deliberately open the door to temptation? Find new, healthier places to start hanging out so you can stay sober during holidays.

5. Make Some New Traditions To Reflect Your New, Sober Lifestyle

There is nothing written in stone that says you have to keep the same traditions you had in the past. Change your holiday traditions to reflect who you are now and your life in sobriety. They can be just as meaningful to you as the “old” ones. If you need help help discussing these options with your family, then have them look into family resources so they can better understand your new, sober lifestyle. 

6. Avoid Situations Where You Are Hungry, Angry, Lonely Or Tired (H.A.L.T.)

When you are experiencing any of the aspects of H.A.L.T., it can increase your stress levels and make it harder to remain in control and sober.

Deal with and stave off hunger by eating small, nourishing meals often. Talk to a friend, your sponsor, or addiction treatment specialists about any angry or bitter feelings you’re having. Call a friend, family member or your sponsor if you feel lonely; go to a meeting, attend a religious service or spend time with loved ones. Get some rest and relaxation if you are feeling tired. Reading a good book while snuggled on the couch or bed or doing some deep breathing and stretches can also help you feel better.

7. Don’t Forget To Live Your Life One Day At A Time

You can’t live in the past; it’s finished and the future hasn’t happened yet, so don’t spend time worrying about it. Take each day as it comes and enjoy where you are right now. Each day of your sobriety should be celebrated, whether it falls during the holiday season or not.

If you are concerned about your own or a loved one’s drinking, The Dunes East Hampton is a luxury private treatment facility that will treat you with the care and respect deserved.

Call our caring and professional staff now to find out more about our treatment programs and how we can help you become or remain sober.

Read Our Top Pointers For Staying Sober At New Years Parties

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