The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

Bringing Hope And Meaning To A Damaged Life Through Spirituality In Recovery

If you stopped several people at random on the street and asked them about spirituality, you would get different answers from each person you spoke with. Spirituality is a deeply personal subject. While it may involve religious faith, it isn’t necessarily connected to attending any organized church. For a number of people, spirituality in recovery is about reconnecting with their former belief system.

Addiction Is An Isolating Disease – But There Is Hope!

One of the effects of addiction is its ability to cut addicts off from friends and family. As the disease of addiction progresses, it takes over a person so completely that they find themselves doing things that they would probably never see themselves doing under normal circumstances to feed the addiction and keep it going. This includes lying, cheating, stealing, behaving selfishly, deceiving others, etc.

Each act pushes the addict further into the addiction and further away from family and friends. These acts are not decisions; at this point the person does not have the capacity to make choices about whether or when to use drugs or alcohol. The addiction is firmly in control and is calling all of the shots.

But there is hope!

Hope, Meaning And Growth To A Damaged Life Through Spirituality In Recovery

For a person in recovery, rediscovering his or her spirituality can help with healing in a number of ways. It can provide self-acceptance simply because one is human and deserving of being treated with kindness. Values like making a positive contribution and being of service to others can be embraced and practiced in everyday life, starting from a person’s present circumstances.

Getting in touch with religious beliefs or spirituality while in recovery makes a client stronger and healthier. As long as the approach is consistent with a person’s values, it will work.

Prayer, readings, education, discussion and fellowship remind our clients that they are not alone. They can draw strength from their faith and fellowship with other people who share it.

For those who do not have a declared faith, spirituality can take the form of meditation or other holistic therapies for recovery. Learning to sit quietly and clear the mind is wonderful way to learn to live in the moment, combat stress, stay focused on one moment at a time, and not be haunted by past memories or anxious about the future. Spirituality in recovery can turn a good rehab experience into a great one. 

Would you like to find out more about our spiritual addiction recovery program at The Dunes East Hampton for yourself or a loved one? Our holistic approach to addiction treatment was developed to treat our clients from a physical, emotional and spiritual approach.

We Can Help You Or A Loved One Obtain Lasting Recovery – Call Us Now!

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