Treatment centers generally believe that an individual needs to abstain completely from addictive substances if they want to effectively deal with the addiction. But there are others that feel differently.
For some individuals, weaning them off addictive substances may not only be possible but also ideal. Could this more moderate approach to treatment, also called harm reduction, be right for your loved one? Let’s explore in this article.
Total Abstinence
Most drug addiction treatment centers practice the philosophy that addiction is a progressive disease that changes the structure and function of the brain. If a person continues using addictive substances, even minimally, their brain won’t be able to fully recover.
That is why total abstinence goes along with this way of thinking. In order for the individual to heal from the addiction, drugs and alcohol must be out of their life – completely. Harm reduction, on the other hand, is enablement and allows the abuse to continue.
Weaning off Addictive Substances
Those who agree with weaning addicts off their addictive substances believe that it is possible for some people to use drugs and alcohol moderately and not be addicted. People on this side of the fence also tend to believe that many addicts are not ready to stop completely, and a harm reduction approach can be less intimidating.
The reality is that each person is unique and some forms of substance abuse treatment work better than others. What’s most important is that your loved one receives the help they need in the manner that is right for them.
Holistic Healing

The Dunes’ Luxurious Gated Front Entrance
At The Dunes East Hampton, we do follow a holistic approach to the treatment of substance abuse. Our staff-to-resident ratio is 3-to-1, making our care and luxury rehab experience second to none.
By choosing us, your loved one will receive individualized care that is tailored to their needs, and that is what we find most important. We do believe in helping our clients to be free from their addictive substance entirely – mentally, physically and emotionally. We help them uncover the underlying components of the addiction and tools for controlling urges.
Our hope is that you have found some information that will guide you in the search for treatment. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to give The Dunes East Hampton a call.