Rheumatoid Arthritis May Lead to Painkiller Addiction and Abuse

Rheumatoid Arthritis May Lead to Painkiller Addiction and Abuse

Physicians treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may prescribe a range of condition management drug treatments including over-the-counter and prescription anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and/or opioids. Every medication comes with certain risks; but, prescription opioids, in particular, pose a high risk of dependency and bone fractures. Any RA sufferer should understand and beware the risks…

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction

Understanding the Cycle of Addiction

Why Experts Call Addiction A “Cycle” People often discuss addiction as a cycle – an endless hamster wheel that can feel impossible to escape. Addiction, treatment, trigger, relapse, and addiction…does it ever end? Luckily, recovery is attainable with the right support system and treatment program. The first step toward recovery may be admitting you have…

National Methamphetamine Awareness Day 2016

National Methamphetamine Awareness Day 2016

November 30 is National Methamphetamine Awareness Day. The date has been on the calendar since about 2006, when the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) partnered with the federal government as well as local governments and the private sector to raise awareness of methamphetamine abuse. Attorneys General have called on their states to enact “broad-based,…