Dr. Kardaras, our Executive Director, recently spoke with Prevention regarding healthy and positive tips for jumpstarting your Mondays!
We all long for the weekend. From extended sleep cycles to Sunday brunch, our weekly downtime offers the ability to breathe deep, relax, and escape into the world of our choosing. The only downside, of course, is Monday – the dreaded return to routine, dress slacks, and responsibility. But why spend your Sunday evening rehearsing a call-in cough when you can change your perspective for the positive?!
Try These Simple Tricks To Start Your Workweek With A Smile – Or At Least Less Of A Scowl!
Let’s Do Lunch!
How often do we make half-hearted lunch plans only to abandon the idea after hanging up the phone? Make your Monday a day to reconnect with friends for a midday meal – leaving the office behind for casual chatter and a chance in scenery.
Let’s Get Fit!
Sign up for a nearby yoga class or even invite a friend along! In addition to the endorphin rush you’ll receive from the exercise, you’ll also gain some smarts! A recent Journal of Physical Activity and Health study suggests that a mere 20 minutes of yoga may actually improve your ability to take in new information and maintain focus!
Let’s Get Busy!

Courtesy of: www.prevention.com
Beginning your work-week with a roll in the hay can release brain chemicals containing antidepressant properties. “The real key is oxytocin,” Dr. Nicholas Kardaras told Prevention.com. “The powerful hormone that some have dubbed the ‘cuddle hormone’ because it’s released during orgasm and helps create a feel-good bond between you and your partner.”
Let’s Eat Cake!
What’s better than oatmeal? Cake… by a long shot. Splurging on Monday breakfast will put a smile on your face without much harm to the waist. What a sweet way to start the week!
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