Codeine is a drug that is prescribed for pain relief. This narcotic can be highly addictive, especially when it is used over a long period of time. Even a patient who is prescribed the drug for legitimate medical reasons may be at risk. It pays to be aware of the signs and symptoms of codeine abuse in a loved one and even before taking this medication for yourself.
About Codeine
When codeine is used it enters a person’s brain and causes neurotransmitters to be released which stimulate the reward centers in the brain. When abused, the user can experience both pleasure and feelings of wellbeing. Continued use of this drug can lead to physical and psychological dependence.
Why Someone May Abuse Codeine
After using codeine for some time, a tolerance for the drug may develop where it can take higher doses to achieve the desired effect.
- A user may need to continue taking the drug in order to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
- Some people become addicted to codeine and start using it to deal with stress or emotional pain in their lives. They enjoy the feeling of euphoria they experience while taking the drug and find that being able to “zone out” for a time allows them to cope with difficult emotions or situations.
Signs And Symptoms Of Codeine Abuse And Addiction
The mental, behavioral and physical signs of codeine abuse and addiction include:
Mental Signs
- Anxiety
- Mood swings
- Euphoria
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Delusions
- Lack of emotions
Behavioral Signs
- Increase in amount of time sleeping
- Decreased appetite
- Lying to conceal amount of medication being used
- Increased number of hospital visits
- Visiting more than one doctor to obtain prescriptions for codeine (“doctor shopping”)
- Stealing prescriptions from friends or family
Physical Signs
- Blue tinge to lips and fingernails
- Dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Muscle twitches
- Dry mouth
- Itching
- Rashes
- Constipation
- Decreased libido
- Fainting
Addiction Treatment For Codeine Abuse
The Dunes East Hampton is a luxury drug rehab center located in East Hampton, New York. Our premier facility offers clients a place where they can get the fresh start they need, while providing the privacy and comfort they expect. With a staff-to-client ratio of 3-to-1, you can be assured that you will receive personalized care every step of the way whether you or a loved one suffers from prescription drug, street drug or alcohol addiction.
Call Us Now To Take The First Step Toward Breaking Free From Prescription Drug Addiction For Yourself Or A Loved One!
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