The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

What Are Anxiety Disorders? Does Co-Occurring Mental Health Treatment Help?

Anxiety disorders are types of mental illness which make the affected person feel overly frightened, uneasy or distressed in situations which would not make most other people experience that same level of heightened discomfort. If the affected person does not receive appropriate mental health treatment, he or she may have difficulty with going to work or school, or in personal relationships.

In very severe cases, the anxiety may escalate to a level where everyday activities like going outside or to the store may be exceedingly difficult. The anxiety disorder can cause a person to have low self-esteem and may lead to substance abuse.

Common Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders And Substance Abuse

People who have issues with anxiety are more likely to turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to manage or numb their symptoms. This type of self-medication is not uncommon, but while those with anxiety may feel better while under the influence, drugs and alcohol actually start to change neurotransmitters in the brain, making any mental health condition worse and even harder to overcome. It also starts the user on a cycle where they continue to use more often and/or in larger amounts to try to achieve symptom relief.

Co-Occurring Mental Health Treatment

Anxiety is highly treatable. We here at The Dunes East Hampton are always monitoring our clients’ mental health status and provide effective and individualized co-occurring mental health treatment which includes, but is not limited to:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps, too, since it helps change the negative ways a person thinks and their behavior follows suit.

The Dunes East Hampton provides treatment for clients who are wrestling with an anxiety disorder as part of the care offered.

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