The Dunes East Hampton Rehab

What Is Post Acute Withdrawal Like?

When someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol stops using, they will go through a period of withdrawal. The first stage is the one that most people are familiar with: the acute stage. During the acute stage of withdrawal, you can experience the physical symptoms of withdrawal such as shaking, vomiting or headaches. The acute stage lasts a few weeks, at most (less with medically-supervised detox and holistic therapies). But once this stage is over, another one can follow: the post acute stage.

What Is Post Acute Withdrawal?

Not everyone who stops using drugs or alcohol will experience post acute withdrawal. But if you do, this withdrawal stage can start a couple of weeks into recovery and can last for some time after. Symptoms usually peak around six months. The post acute stage tends to be less severe than the acute stage and involves mostly psychological and emotional symptoms.

The reason why Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, or PAWS, occurs, is because your brain chemistry is slowly returning to normal. As the brain improves, the levels of brain chemicals fluctuate and can cause PAWS.

Symptoms Of PAWS

The most common symptoms include:

What Does PAWS Feel Like?

Living with PAWS is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you’re up, the next you’re down. In early recovery, your mood can go from one extreme to the next in a matter of minutes. But keep your chin up. Recovery does get easier, and the symptoms of PAWS lessen over time.

If you do suffer from a post acute withdrawal episode, it can last a few days. There doesn’t have to be a trigger, which makes episodes difficult to prevent. You may wake up one day with low energy and have a hard time shaking the feeling. Follow your aftercare plan and know that the episode will be over in a few days.

Strategies To Effectively Deal With Post Acute Withdrawal

In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to effectively handle PAWS.

PAWS Treatment At The Dunes

At The Dunes, we believe that addiction is a disorder that manifests in different ways. As a client of ours, our staff will identify, examine and treat the factors that led to your addiction and its persistence in your life. Your individualized treatment plan will include many components that are intended to help you through withdrawal.

We understand that the emotional and psychological effects of withdrawal can be debilitating, which is why we will teach you real-world ways to deal with the stress and lower your risk of relapse. Your treatments may also include any of the following:

To learn more about our holistic approach to recovery and how to make your journey the most comfortable it can be, please call The Dunes East Hampton today.

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