The Dunes East Hampton Rehab


Rehab centers offer a variety of options for people who need to overcome addiction. One popular option is psychotherapy. It’s important to understand how therapy works. The more that you know, the easier that it is to take full advantage of it.

What Is Psychotherapy?

During psychotherapy, a person talks to a therapist about his or her thoughts and behaviors. The goal is to replace negative emotions with positive ones. Therapy is only effective when there’s a collaborative effort from both the therapist and the client.

It’s important to note, however, that therapy is a very broad term. Numerous programs fall under this umbrella, including:

Most of these methods are pretty self-explanatory. For example, family therapy relies on the involvement of the client’s family members. Group therapy, on the other hand, involves a therapist and a group of people who suffer from similar problems.

CBT is a therapy that you may not have heard of. It focuses more on current problems rather than past problems. CBT revolves around the idea that people develop addiction because of negative or false thinking or beliefs. The goal is to replace these negative elements with positive ones to weed out addiction.

DBT focuses on the impact that social factors have on people’s actions and thoughts. The idea is that some people have a more intense reaction to emotional events. DBT teaches people coping skills to manage their intense emotions.

While both CBT and DBT vary greatly, they’re both types of psychotherapy. They each have a place when it comes to fighting addiction. It’s the job of the rehab center to evaluate clients and determine which therapy works best for their situation. Often times, experts use a mix of multiple types of therapy to achieve the best results.

Signs That Someone Needs Therapy

Addiction is a clear sign that people need some kind of therapy. However, there are other signs that may indicate that people need help. In fact, therapy can help people deal with underlying mental issues that can lead to substance use disorder.

People who feel overwhelmed easily or have prolonged periods of sadness can benefit from therapy. It can help them solve problems that don’t get better despite the best efforts of friends and family. Without help, people tend to bury their feelings with drugs and alcohol.

It’s super important for people to deal with underlying issues to have a chance of beating addiction. Failure to address these underlying issues can result in relapse after getting professional help. Dealing with these issues can also help establish lines of communication between family members.

The Dunes East Hampton Is Here to Help

If you want a luxury rehab center that can help you get over your addiction, look no further. At The Dunes East Hampton, we provide emotional and spiritual counseling. We strive to offer a level of care that you don’t get at other rehab centers.

To this end, we provide helpful treatment programs and customize them to address our residents’ individual needs. We put together these plans using a combination of our programs, including:

Beyond traditional treatment, we offer holistic care to help our residents manage stress. Studies show that reducing stress can make addiction treatment more efficient and show results quicker. Some holistic options that we offer include yoga and meditation.

Get the treatment that you deserve at The Dunes East Hampton. Reach out to our friendly staff to find out what we can do for you. Call us today at 877-818-5539 for more information about our programs.

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